Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Auntie, I Had A Story Dream.

The phone rings. I answer, "hello"? I hear a small voice coming from the "Hi Auntie". My sweet baby nephew Blake is on the other end. "I had a story dream". This was the first time I had ever heard of a story dream. "Oh really, buddy, tell me about it". he went on, "I was in the wind. It was a very hard wind. Auntie, you had my hand and was holding me tight. But you couldn't hold on cause the wind was so hard. You let Blakie go." Ohhhhhhh my heart. He had a nightmare. *sigh* I spoke softly, "Blakie blue eyes, your story dream is just that, a dream. Auntie got storng hands she would never let you go." I hear a giggle on the line. Then silence. He has hung up. hehehhee He does that. He is a man of few words...